Have you ever thought how simple water is? How easy it is for you to go to the sink and fill up a glass of cold, clean water? Have you ever thought about the millions of people who don't share that same luxury? Well, they are out there and many of them are dying due to diseases caused by unclean drinking water.
The Middle Schooler at our church have seen this need and have decided to team up with The Adventure Project to help fix this problem. They have not only raised $1000 in 2 months, but they have been and ispiration in our church. I am in awe of how the "tweens" have stepped up to the challenge and realize that they can make a difference. They are changing the lives of people in India who they will never meet and you can too!
Since today is World Water Day, The Adventure Project has set a goal of rasing $10,000 to aid in bringing clean water to the people of India. If you would like to help them make a difference click here and make a donation today or you can click here to purchase a bar of soap. All proceeds will go to help bring clean water to villages in India.
Thank you all so much for your support and for caring for the "least of these". Happy World Water Day!!!!!

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