Recently in REAL68 girls discipleship we have been studying about Hannah and her struggles and triumphs in God. Last night was our final night and I really felt like it was a good one. The point of the final lesson was that God had turned things around for Hannah in the end because she had stayed faithful and had not tried to rush God or do things on her own. God blessed her with Samual and she kept to her promise and gave him back to the Lord. Even though I was teaching this lesson for middle school girls, I really felt like God was speaking to me.
Currently I am at a place in my life where I am waiting on God. I find myself continuously praying and asking but feel as though my prayers are unanswered. I have recently been feeling so discouraged. I know my God is great and He does answer our calls but it is so hard to wait on Him when you desire something so much it hurts. Everything inside me is trying to find a way around waiting patiently and just getting what I want but I know that blessing comes to those who wait and trust in Him. There was a verse that I read last night that gave me hope. Its 1 Samual 2:20-21 "Before they returned home, Eli would bless Elkanah and his wife and say, 'May the Lord give your other children to take the place of this one she gave to the Lord.' And the Lord gave Hannah three sons and two daughters. Meanwhile, Samual grew up in the presence of the Lord" Hannah had waited years and years for her son Samual but never lost faith in the Lord. She continuosly prayed and sought after Him knowing He was going to work things out. When she finally got what she had prayed for she kept to her promise and brought him back to the temple to live. Hannah waited paitently for the Lord to work and because of it, she was blessed even more in the end.
I want to be like Hannah. I need to trust in the Lord and patiently wait for Him to move. I know he will and I know that when he does it will be amazing. He makes all things work together for my good and I trust in Him.
That one is just for me!!
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