The Adventures of Peanut Butter & Jelly

"Life isn't about the amount of breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away" - Hitch

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Adventure is Moving South

We are moving!!!!  It's official.  In March we will be moving out little family across the country to Mount Pleasant, SC.  Some very good friends of ours came to us a few months ago and asked if we would pray about moving with them to start a church.  I admit that at first I just said no thank you and didn't even give it much thought but after a long month of prayer I knew God was calling our family to move.  It's always amazing to me how God moves.  Once I finally told God I was willing to go he really began to make things happen.  Our lease on our town home wasn't up until February but literally 3 days after telling God I would go, an old family friend said he was interested in it.  They are now moving into our town home today allowing Brandon, Jude and me to move in with his family for a few months to save money and pay off some debt before we move.  Along with all the moving we have been doing over the past month, Brandon resigned from his position at the High School Youth Pastor at  The Rock.  He preached his last message on Wednesday and then next week will be our very last Wednesday.  It's hard to say goodbye to the students that we love so very much.  They mean so much to us.  We have been apart of this youth ministry since we were students ourselves.  It's a bittersweet feeling.  I am sad to go and leave everything behind but I am also very excited for all that God is going to do in our family and in the people of Mount Pleasant.  In Isaiah 43:18 & 19 it says, "But forget all that - it is nothing compared to what I am going do.  For I am about to do something new.  See, I have already begun!  Do you not see it?  I will make a pathway through the wilderness.  I will create rivers in the dry wasteland."  I know that God is starting to do something amazing.  I have already seen God move in our lives in so many ways.  The hard part is learning to trust him when it starts to get hard.  To continue to pursue Him and His plan for us when all I can see is what we are leaving behind.  I know he has great plans for our family.  This transition has really challenged me to spend more time with God and to really seek His face.  I am so excited to see God move and to see his plan unfold as we take each step.