The Adventures of Peanut Butter & Jelly

"Life isn't about the amount of breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away" - Hitch

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It's been a while since I have last posted. Things are going great in the Yates household. We are starting to get the hang of being married and are enjoying every moment of it. A few weeks ago we bought our first car together. We got a blue 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee and the best part, besides the fact that it has air conditioning, is that we paid it in cash! Brandon's Jeep was officaily paid off in July so we have no car payments which is really nice. Other than that, nothing too exciting has happened recently. Brandon had a job interview with a ministry that is looking into bringing him on part time which would be amanzing. If this job works out he is planning on quiting his job at the flooring company and working part time at this new ministry and the church. I am so excited for him to be in a place where he is doing what he loves rather than working somewhere just becuase it pays the bills. We have been very blessed!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Mr. & Mrs. Yates

Finally!!!!!! It's so great to be able to finally introduce myself as Mrs. Yates. Life has gotten back to a some what normal place. Both of our cars died so we are now using Brandon's parent's van until the 4th of July and then they need it back. His best freind John offered to let us use their extra car until we get this whole car situation figured out. Other than that minor speed bump we are loving married life. It's exciting to decorate our home together. We got a brand new grill from Brandon's parents and we bought patio furniture. Everything is slowly coming together in our home. I can't wait to see what God has for us in the future. I know whatever it is its going to be great!!!!!!!!